Bujora feautured in leading Danish newspaper

Between christmas and newyear 2017, one of the leading newspaper in Denmark, Politiken, published an article about Bujora, Sukuma Museum.

The article, written by danish senior reporter Dav Jacobsen, is a very picturesque article about the warsha course at Bujora, with beautiful pictures from the course in january 2017.

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Warsha 1993 – historical pictures

Warsha Ya Utamaduni Bujora 1993

This was the first ever Culture-workshop arranged by Bujora and danish Utamaduni group on an initiative from the late Mr. Pascali Busheni (leader at Bujora at the time)
Warsha workshops ran for 4 times in the mid 90es, until rewoken in the mid 2010es… So in 2016, and again in 2017 there were succesfull workshops in traditional Sukuma Culture held at Bujora.

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Sukumadance and drums at Moesgaard Museum, after 42 years!

In 1973, Wanacecilia dancesociety was invited to Denmark by “U-landsfonden af 1962” and K.H. Skot. During the visit, the group performed at the famous danish museum Moesgaard.

In 2015, 4 representatives fra Wanacicilia came to Denmark, invited by the Utamaduni Camp. Together with members of local danish sukuma-dancetroups and Sukumas living in Denmark and Sweden, they were invited to participate in the excibition called ‘The living dead’.

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